вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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We donapos;t write like we used to around here. As our lives move toward adulthood, our livejournals have taken up their place in the dusty corners of our calendars and planners. I think thatapos;s ok, and I think we all knew it was going to happen. But for the sake of memories, and because I personally will still write in here and in my new online�journal, I feel like I�have to announce a little bit about what has happened in my life in the past half a year.

The most important thing to mention, I�think, is that I�broke up with Zoran. I was the one who officially did it, said the last word, although we both wanted the end to happen. We were speaking on the phone, having another fight that wasnapos;t quite a fight. I finally stopped in the parking lot of a little Evanston�restaurant that sells fried chicken. I donapos;t remember what I really said. I remember that I cried a lot and drove away from the restaurant. I finally parked my�car underneath tall trees near my dorm,�and I�cried some more in my car. It was late evening. I called my Mom, and I�cried. I called my Dad, and I cried. I went to my room�to cry some more.�

The break up had been looming on the horizon for some time.�My Mom has�asked me many times why it happened. Iapos;ve tried to explain the break�up to many friends.�It�seems that every time I explain it, I say something�different. There seems to�be�thousands of�little explanations of why we were incompatible. I am always late to everything,�including picking him up for the�airport.�I�am terrible at managing or saving money. (I am great at�increasing my credit card debt.) He is too ordered, too structured. He wouldnapos;t�go to the zoo with me on a whim. He didnapos;t like walking through alleys. He yelled at me when I was not aggressive�while driving. He likes small talk,�I do not like small talk. The list could go on and�on.�I thought he was too materialistic. I buy my clothing on sales only.

In the end, if�I absolutely had to summarize it, we just ended up going�in different directions. He started law school�this fall and bought a condo in downtown Chicago. I�graduated college, and I�donapos;t know where the hell Iapos;m going next.�My friend Kathy says that I�like free falling�through life. This may be�true, but it is certainly a topic for�a separate entry.

I was with Zoran for three and a half years, and most of�this time�was absolutely wonderful. I cannot put into words how much he�meant to me. How much�I�learned about love, relationships, the world.�Our relationship to me will always be�a moment of closeness, us in�our little apartment, together on the�green sofa, watching TV, playing on the computer, eating�a snack. Close, close, close.�

I�gave him a ride about a week and a half ago from Chicago to his parentsapos; house. I was driving back to my Momapos;s house, and it was on the way. Before seeing his parents, we stopped at Target to buy a photo frame; he was going to surprise his Mom with a photo of him and his younger brother, taken in New Orleans. We were�walking around�the store, bouncing�from soap dispensers to photo frames to book shelves.�He gently grabbed�my hand, and I asked, "I thought we�didnapos;t do that anymore." He said, "I just want to hold your paw now." And for�a few moments, we walked hand in hand through�Target,�like we used to be. Except we let go a few minutes later, and at the check out, we were still only friends. I donapos;t think we miss the existence of one another anymore. When�I fall asleep, I do not think of him. But I still miss the existence of us, and the memory of our little world still hurts. Iapos;m not sure if that pain ever goes away. The end of a�long relationship is always the death of�certain dreams and illusions.�

I�met�Zoran on October the 4th, 2003. We�began dating almost a year later. I donapos;t remember when we broke up. It was sometime this spring, and the weather was already�warm.�It could have�been March, April, May. It was sometime this spring.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s finally here...fall. I knew it was here to stay when I caught a whiff of campfire smoke this evening. I looooooove that smell. It brings back way to many wonderful memories of camping, sapos;mores, and leaves changing. Itapos;s a pretty common smell in Missouri this time of year because people burn their leaves so every time I smell it, I know its autumn.

I love living in a place where there are four distinct seasons. Iapos;m starting to think that fall might be my favorite season. I just love this time of year because of all the holidays. Fall and the beginning of winter is so full of family, food and love. Something about the scarves and hot drinks leads to hanging out in coffeehouses that stirs creativity and thought. This season makes me want to be more authentic, more creative, more hip, more artistic. I am always in the mood to write in the fall. Weapos;ll see what comes of it.

I love fall so much, Iapos;ve even got fall music. I think this list of fall bands stems from the fact that I bought these cds during this season so I associate them with such:
Anberlin (especially the album "Cities")
Mae "Everglow" (although this album reminds me more of Christmas, it totally still works)
"Nothing is Sound" Switchfoot
Michael Buble
Some Bradley Hathaway
Iapos;m making the Dan in Real Life soundtrack a fall cd even though I bought it during the summer and itapos;s perfect for rainy summer days.

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Well, it finally arrived. The check was in the mail and it actually got to me since they wrote Canada as part of the address. We went out to dinner to celebrate. I know it had been a while since we went to the Outback Steakhouse but we did expect to find them open.

Not only were they not open, they were so long gone that their signs were missing. I guess we should have checked first before choosing a restaurant that we canapos;t actually see every day. This explains why one of our friends always chooses to go out to restaurants that are within a block of their home. I always wondered why but now I can see that the problem is that you canapos;t guarantee that it will actually be there and open if you only see it once a month.

We went to the Lone Star Cafe instead. There was a wait of about 30 minutes. We watched the tortilla machine make tortillas. I have to agree that their best dish is fajitas. Everything else is mostly mediocre. There seems to be a trend toward low income eateries instead of middle income ones. I consider fast food to be low income - this includes McDonaldapos;s, Burger King, Shwarma King, Pho. Middle income tends to be Indian buffet, Chinese food, steak houses. Now I find very few good steak houses. I simply donapos;t eat at cheap burger joints and pizza parlors. I guess what I want is a better steak house near where I live. There is one down the street but it is run by a very slimy individual that didnapos;t pay his taxes for 4 years then blamed it on his accountant. Like he thought that businesses didnapos;t have to pay taxes at all when everyone else does. He actually got away with it. So we donapos;t go there.

All the other steak places downtown are really high end and very expensive. I shouldnapos;t have to take out a loan to eat out every now and then. I object to paying more than $35 for an eight ounce steak.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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1)� My BMI is now in "Normal."
2)� The Swiss banking system only guarantees up to about $20,000 in personal accounts.
3)� The peso is failing so much, Mexico is selling itapos;s foreign reserves for cheap, but with�2 increasing profits, daily.
4)� Youtube has a feature film section thatapos;s cool.
5)� Putting in the incorrect WEP, will not, in fact, get you connected to the Internet (okay, I�already knew this one... But I kept missing the WEP�by 1 stinking number because I�had written it down wrong).�

I�read the news ALL�DAY, and I�learned more from my Wii newsfeed than traditional sources... You know... Like fark.� ;)

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I am ohio bound.

pray for me please...cause..

my mind has a mind of itapos;s own. XD

lame, i know.
iapos;ve been feeling totally awesome...

but yea. Gr.

just..please. T_T

wah wah wah.
i suddenly feel sleepy.

i borrowed a leet-ish camera from my momapos;s old man and i will take leet pictures with it...

i want Vickytoria to be Vickytoria Jenkins
and i want Fartface to be Ambassador Fartface.

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